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Australian Reiki
Reiki Professional Development Course

Reiki is currently provided in many hospitals, nursing homes, palliative care centres and community service settings. 

Are you interested in expanding your Reiki knowledge into healthcare facilities?

This newly updated Professional Course, which is presented in 3 Levels, will build up your Reiki practice to the highest possible standards of Reiki care within the Healthcare System! Your Complete Guide to Professional Level Care in Reiki.

“Reiki Care of Life-Threatening Illness for Reiki and Reflexology Practitioners” (Endorsed by the Australian Reiki Connection). Coursework is currently available online and in person.

The aim of these fully endorsed courses, from Level 1 to Level 3, is to provide a safe place for you to become confident in giving Reiki care in any setting, whether home, aged care, respite or healthcare settings, and to provide a supported space for Healers where you feel understood and mentored in your journey of becoming the best practitioner you can be. 

These three progressive full-weekend course series are a fusion of practitioner self-care and seriously ill client care and are presented over three weekends, ongoing throughout the year. They will increase your knowledge and ability in the area of seriously and terminally ill clients.

Included is a strong focus on the concept of self-care and self-awareness in delicate situations such as terminal illness. With a consciously kinder approach toward yourself, you will go forward to become a compassionate practitioner to others and become acutely aware of your environment and, in this case, the environments of very ill people. In working alongside medical staff with this sensitivity, Reiki makes a hugely positive difference to clients, family and staff and is very satisfying as a healer.

Where will this Course take me?

Currently, there is movement in bringing awareness of Reiki to healthcare systems and our aim is to work in conjunction with healthcare facilities of all types, and ultimately becoming recognised for our much-needed work as paid professionals.

First of all, we must train ourselves to meet a standard of strong care for our clients and then present as this to be taken seriously.

Steps are being taken right now to develop a training school in Australia with plans to connect into the healthcare systems on this level. Would you like to become a very real part of our powerful move into healthcare? Join us in developing the next level of your care giving and prove that Reiki works!

Are these Courses For Me?

These unique courses have been created for Reiki Practitioners who are serious about assisting clients with high needs and wanting to fit comfortably within the healthcare system. Over three weekends, we explore boundary setting, appropriate communication, legal issues, adaptive Reiki, compassionate detachment and debriefing, self-exploration, familiarity with patient equipment, appropriate behaviour in medical environments and much more.  It also focuses upon our individual needs as healers to improve our self-care with encouragement towards inner love and burn out prevention.

Come along and enjoy the fusion of empowering knowledge and pampering!

Reiki Professional Development Course
Reiki in Palliative Care Course

What is included in these Courses?

  • Meditations and a Reiki Circle

  • All catering of nutritious lunches, snacks, drinks and smoothies.

  • Two days of training with self-reflective time and discussions built in at each level.

  • Your manuals for coursework Care of the Life Threatened Client for Reiki and Reflexology Practitioners for each level 1-3.

  • Your certificate Endorsed by the Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 



What does the Course Components Cove?

Information, support, mentoring and care development in three enjoyable levels of classwork. Each course is a full weekend of sharing and learning within a fun, companionable and nurturing environment designed to take you to your Highest potential with the ultimate goal of being capable and competent to work in aged care, respite, hospitals, high care areas, and terminal care at a professional level.

These courses are also applicable for nurses, psychologists, vets, carers, paramedics, counsellors and any medical staff who have embarked upon their Reiki journey.

Something to consider:

If you have experienced recent grief, please consider whether you have had enough time to process your current grief. It is often suggested that you give yourself enough times to process your loss before undertaking grief work and terminal care. Allow yourself a minimum of a year - 2 years.

How do I book my place in this course?

You are welcome to call Alexandra on 0409009924

via website:


Once booked, you will receive an email of receipt and a booking form to return. You will also receive a welcome letter to remind you of our exciting adventure together one week ahead of the course.

The next dates for Courses:

To Be Confirmed.

Professional Development Course for Reiki Practitioners
ARC Endorsed Professional Development Course

About the facilitator 

Alexandra Browne-Hill has been a registered nurse and midwife for 40 years with experience in facilitating health education. Personal experience in tragedy led to the Spiritual Path with Reiki, Counseling and other natural health modalities, and includes years of international study with indigenous medicine.

Now an International writer, author and speaker, Alex offers workshops and retreats with the aim of normalising the natural state of our connection with body, mind and soul and encouraging our intuitive processes.

Alex believes that our best health relies upon bringing natural medicine together with modern treatments in a powerful package of skill and wisdom.


Note: There is no affiliation fee or commission of any kind involved between Alexandra, and the Australian Reiki Connection Inc.-.

Alex Brown Hill

Contact the Australian Reiki Connection

Phone:  0411 213 804

Email ARC

Australian  Leading Reiki Association
© Copyright Protected

Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 1997 -2025

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Incorporated Association Registration Number IARN: A0035912F Australian Registered Body Number ARBN: 097 727 234 Australian Business Number ABN: 16 324 495 886

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