"The Future of Reiki - Pathway to Wellness"
Presentations by: Paul Mitchell, Hyakuten Inamoto, Pamela Miles, Frans Stiene, Kathleen Prasad, William Lee Rand, Sue Lake-Harris, Anthony Turner. Daily meditation with Malcolm Hunt.

John Coleman, President of ARC
Opening Address followed by a prerecorded Welcome Message from Hiroshi Doi Sensei, the founder of Gendai Reiki Ho.
Watch John's Opening address and Hiroshi Doi's welcome message.

Paul Mitchell
The Reiki Alliance (TRA)
Paul is the author of the student book, The Usui System of Natural Healing, published in nine languages. His articles on the Usui System have been published in journals around the world. As a master student of Mrs.Hawayo Takata, Paul is committed to carry, practice and teach Reiki as she brought it to the Western world.Through personal contact at international gatherings, workshops, and in his Reiki classes, Paul gives students a direct connection with the teachings of Hawayo Takata and with the Usui System. Paul began to work with Phyllis Lei Furumoto in the early 1980s and was a founding member of The Reiki Alliance. He was recruited to teach in the Self-Assessment Program, a training program established by Phyllis to prepare Reiki Master candidates.“The Reiki method is not only for curing illness. Its true purpose is to correct the heart-mind, keep the body fit, and lead a happy life using the spiritual capabilities human beings were endowed with since birth” From the memorial stone of Mikao Usui, Founder of the Usui System of Reiki Healing
Watch Paul's Presentation

Hyakuten Inamoto
Komyo Reiki Do
A Japanese Buddhist monk from Kyoto Japan, who studied Reiki with Chiyoko Yamaguchi, a student of Chujiro Hayashi, Hyakuten is fluent in English, and is noted for his kind, gentle manner and joyous sense of humour. Internationally known as an authority on Reiki, Hyakuten has been an invaluable consultant and translator to many authors including REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide by Pamela Miles and The Reiki Sourcebook by Bronwen and Frans Stiene.After much research into the original teachings of Usui Sensei, Hyakuten developed the Komyo Reiki Do style of Reiki in 1998 and began holding classes. Komyo Reiki Do follows the teachings of Usui Sensei and focuses on healing not only the body, but most importantly, the soul or spirit. Usui Sensei believed that with spiritual improvement, the body would naturally be better capable of healing itself. Hyakuten shares this belief.
Watch Inamoto's Presentation

Pamela Miles
Reiki, Medicine and Self Care
Pamela appeared via internet
My life’s focus is staying healthy and happy and helping others to do the same. I have been a student of yoga and meditation for more than 50 years. When I learned to practice Reiki in 1986, I was already a spiritual teacher and professional healer, educating and guiding my clients to regain and protect every aspect of their well-being - spiritual, mental, emotional, social, and physical. I love helping people realize they can feel better and be happier, and recognize that feeling better is a spiritual experience. I offer very concrete, practical, and doable steps to that goal. As a Reiki Master, I have pioneered the use of Reiki in conventional medicine through:
•Publishing papers in peer-reviewed medical journals
•Developing Reiki programs in prominent New York City hospitals
•Presenting and teaching Reiki in medical schools across the country, including Harvard and Yale
•Collaborating on research, including an NIH-funded study
•Serving as the lead reviewer for the NIH/NCCAM Reiki Backgrounder
•Speaking at medical conferences, including the NIH/NCI/OCCAM research conference, October 2007
•Teaching Reiki practitioners the skills and perspective needed to collaborate in conventional health care
•Consulting with health care administrators regarding integrating Reiki into clinical care. Additionally, I am the author of REIKI: A Comprehensive Guide (Tarcher/Penguin) and numerous popular articles, and a leading spokesperson for Reiki in the media, including The Dr. Oz Show and Allure magazine
Watch Pamela's Presentation

Frans Stiene
The International House of Reiki
Frans has been a major influence on global research into the system of Reiki since the early 2000s. His practical understanding of the Japanese influences on the system have allowed students around the world to connect deeply with this practice Students naturally respond to Frans' warmth and intelligence. His own personal spiritual Reiki practice is a model that many students wish to emulate and offers great encouragement to those on the same path.
Frans is a co founder of the International House of Reiki and the Shibumi International Reiki Association with his wife, Bronwen Stiene. He has also co-authored with her many critically acclaimed books. Although Frans is trained as a Gendai Reiki Ho Shihan (teacher) and a Komyo Reiki Shihan (teacher) he prefers to teach a traditional form of Japanese Reiki that he feels reflects a desire to bring the teachings back to their very source, Usui Reiki Ryoho (Usui Spiritual Energy Healing Method). The contents of what Frans teaches is formed by what has been practised in Japan since the early 1900s, long before the system of Reiki left Japan, and the researched influences on the system (see the five elements of the system of Reiki for more information). This particular method includes physical and energy enhancing exercises to help practitioners delve deeper into their Reiki practice. The earlier teachings consider the system not just to be a hands-on-healing practice but one that also focuses on a student’s spiritual path
Watch Fran's Presentation

Kathleen Prasad
Animal Reiki Resource
Kathleen Prasad is founder of Animal Reiki Source and president of the Shelter Animal Reiki Association (SARA). She has taught Reiki to the staff and volunteers of animal organizations such as Bright Haven, The CARE Foundation, Best Friends Animal Society, The San Francisco SPCA, Guide Dogs for the Blind and Remus Memorial Horse Sanctuary. In 2007, Kathleen authored the first code of ethics for the profession, The Animal Reiki Practitioner Code of Ethics, which has been published in professional Reiki publications and adopted by practitioners around the world. In addition to offering a worldwide practitioner directory on her website, she self-publishes an informational e-newsletter on Reiki and animals. A global leader in the profession, Kathleen has authored the book Reiki for Dogs and co-authored the books The Animal Reiki Handbook and Animal Reiki: Using Energy to Heal the Animals in Your Life. She’s been published in magazines such as The Journal of the American Holistic Veterinary Medical Association, Animal Wellness Magazine, Animal Fair, Equine Wellness Magazine, The Whole Dog Journal, Dog Fancy, Feline Wellness and Dogs Naturally Magazine, and featured in several radio and TV programs. Kathleen travels worldwide to teach and speak about how Reiki can help animals and their people.
Watch Kathleen's Presentation

William Lee Rand
The International Centre for Reiki Training
William appeared via internet - Introduction by Tony Carroll Conference MC
Due to technical difficulties on the day, this presentation is William's copy which he shares.
William is the founder and president of The International Center for Reiki Training (ICRT), The Center for Reiki Research and The Reiki Membership Association, he has authored Reiki, The Healing Touch, and numerous other books and over 100 Reiki articles and 12 CDs. From 1993 to 1995, with the help of some of his students, he developed the Karuna Reiki® system of healing. He is the publisher and editor-in-chief of the Reiki News Magazine as well as editor of the Online Reiki Newsletter. In 1997 William travelled to the North Pole to place a World Peace Crystal Grid, dedicated to world peace, and placed another one at the South Pole in 1999. In 2004 he placed a Peace Grid in Jerusalem, in 2005 at the ICRT teaching center in Southfield, Michigan and in 2009 at the Maluhia Lani Reiki Center on Maui.William became a Reiki Master in 1989 and has received the Reiki Master level of training from five Reiki Masters. He has done research on the origin and nature of the Usui System of Natural Healing, including three trips to Japan. William also has a strong background in metaphysics and has previously been a professional astrologer, hypnotherapist, past life regression therapist, rebirther, and is certified in NeuroLinguistic Programing. William has dedicated his life to Reiki and has practiced and taught full time in classes around the world for the past 25 years. He encourages all Reiki practitioners to work together in harmony to bring peace to the earth.
Watch William's Presentation

Sue Lake Harris
Reiki Education Services and Usui Rei-Ki Network Reiki Teacher
Sue chose to revamp her prepared presentation, as Sue put it, "everything I was going to say has already been said".
Instead Sue spoke about her own journey to Reiki and how Reiki made life changing improvements for her.
Sue Lake-Harris, Dip. Teach. and B. Ed. from the University of Canberra and Principal of Reiki Education Services, has extensive teaching experience with both children and adults. Commencing Reiki in 1997, including professional practice
from 1998, she completed a 5 year traditional Reiki teacher apprenticeship in 2007. Sue was the Council of Australian Reiki Organisation’s (CARO’s) first Chairperson, has been an advisor to State and Commonwealth bodies on training standards and the ethics/conduct of practitioners and teachers, conducts training in professional treatment delivery practice, and utilises Reiki in her work with youth in the field of performing arts. “There’s nothing quite like Reiki for dealing with nerves!” she says.
Watch Sue's Presentation

Anthony Turner
Business Success Radio & Small Business Institute
Pathway to Business Wellness
Anthony's passion is helping business owners and individuals 'achieve their best' in life and business. In 2003 he created his own life skills and business development consultancy (Transform your Business) which specializes in helping individuals and businesses achieve their best. He both uses and teaches many easy to learn, simple to use and highly cost effective business/marketing tools that are drawn from his own ‘real life’ experience and from the training he has received in Personal Development, General Management, Marketing and Strategic Planning. Anthony has coached over 3000 independent small businesses and spent 3½ years working as part of business recovery teams assisting businesses impacted by the Black Saturday Bushfires and Victorian Floods. He holds qualifications in Management, Training & Assessment. He is a Mentor with SBMS Inc, is a Director of The Small Business Institute, the Author of 2 business books -
Dream to Reality...connecting heart & business, Hamster NO MORE...surviving the small business treadmill and co-author of another - Are you ready?...surviving small business disaster’. Anthony is also a registered business coach with Coach Network, a ROQUE facilitator, a Founder and Director of Business Success Radio and a workshop/seminar presenter for Small Business Victoria.
Watch Anthony's Presentation

Q & A Session
Conference Presenters answered questions from attendees
Moderated by ARC Treasurer and Conference MC, Tony Carroll. Delegates at the conference put a number of challenging, varied and interesting questions to the Conference Speakers. Their answers are informative and inspiring.
Watch Q and A Session

Malcolm J Hunt
‘Mindfulness Meditation’
Malcolm, opened each day's sessions with a guided mindfulness session.
Malcolm pursued life as a Buddhist Monk in China in the Pure Land Buddhist Tradition at the
Guang Jue temple, he taught mindfulness meditation and was retreat facilitator for over 6 years before returning to live in Australia in 2014
Watch and Listen to Malcolm's Meditations.