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Australian Reiki
Find a Reiki Practitioner

Australia-Wide Reiki Practitioner Directory
Find a Reiki Practitioner near you

Select State/Territory to find a Reiki Practitioner near you.

reiki practitioners

Choosing the state or territory you are looking for will open a new page with practitioners from that state or territory in alphabetical order.
You can then Search in three ways.
By Region.
By Suburb
By Practitioner's name

To assist loading speed, some states/territories may open with sub-pages

Looking for a qualified Reiki Practitioner near you?
The Australian Reiki Connection provides a comprehensive directory of Reiki Practitioners in Australia, 

With our Australia- Wide Reiki Practitioner directory, you can easily find a suitable and qualified Reiki Practitioner to help you on your journey of healing and self-discovery.

Our Reiki Practitioners are referred by ARC solely to provide Usui System of Reiki treatments to the public.                    They have undertaken minimum Level II Reiki training and provided the Association with a copy of their current Professional Indemnity & Public Liability Insurance & HLTAID011 First Aid Certificate.

They abide by ARC's codes, the legally binding National Code of Conduct for Health Care Workers
and all Local, State/Territory and Federal Laws.

Contact the Australian Reiki Connection

Phone:  0411 213 804

Email ARC

Australian  Leading Reiki Association
© Copyright Protected

Australian Reiki Connection Inc. 1997 -2025


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Incorporated Association Registration Number IARN: A0035912F Australian Registered Body Number ARBN: 097 727 234 Australian Business Number ABN: 16 324 495 886

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